1st - Tanita - Russia
2nd - Yulia Mozhova - Ukraine
3rd - Zuziucha - Poland
4th - Asia Ossowska - Poland
5th - Rachael Funnel - Australia
Dorota Delega - France
Annar - Poland
Jelissa Mei - Singapore
Veera Saarivuo - Finland
Stephanie Papin - France
Features & Finalists please feel free to right-click & save
Stephanie Papin - France
Wall of Fame to add to your resume, as well as grabbing
the correct
badge from below to display on your own blog!***
Please support us by playing along with this month's mood board!

Posted by Alexandra Polyzou.
We would LOVE to see your creations, made for our challenges here at Scrap Around The World, SHARED ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE AS WELL so we ask that you PLEASE SHARE to our Facebook page in future, in order to be ELIGIBLE FOR OUR RANDOM PRIZE as only those who have shared their entries on our Facebook wall will be eligible.
Please click on our "Scrap Around The World"page on Facebook HERE to share your work
with us & remember to QUOTE YOUR LINKY NUMBER to be eligible, for example
"Beatrice Lawson - Entry 50" at the beginning of your description.
Please share with us directly,don't just tag us, THANK YOU!
Please share with us directly,don't just tag us, THANK YOU!
By sharing your entries with us on Facebook YOU will get more exposure
& we can all enjoy seeing the SATW entries in our newsfeeds as well!
You are welcome to share a link to your actual blog post on Facebook
too if you like, this drives more traffic to your blog if people want to take
a closer look! So it's a WIN/WIN deal right?!?
& we can all enjoy seeing the SATW entries in our newsfeeds as well!
You are welcome to share a link to your actual blog post on Facebook
too if you like, this drives more traffic to your blog if people want to take
a closer look! So it's a WIN/WIN deal right?!?
Now onto our First Ever Design Team Call!
Excited Much?!? You should be!! Scrap Around The World is soon to be ONE YEAR OLD!!
We have survived the first year, which is always a tough one! Well I sure hope
things are going to get easier from here on as it has been challenging!!
BUT there is no doubt about it - it has been worth all the time & effort & we are here to stay!
I have some great key members in my Admin team that are staying on to help me
"run the joint" & I am eternally grateful to them for making my load a bit lighter!
SO! We are in need of some new Ambassadors!
The time has come for our players to apply!!
If you are interested in joining the Design Team at SATW
here is the information you need...
1) You need to have taken part in one of our challenges,
so if you haven't played yet, now is your chance. Play
along with our current {February} mood board & link up!
2) You need to have your own, current & active blog.
We are looking for people who have an established
online presence, as we need to spread the word about
our new challenge site & our ambassadors help us do that!
{That means you need to blog regularly - at least once a week
on average} & have built up an online audience.
3) You need to be on Facebook {regularly}. This is because
Facebook is a great marketing tool & makes it really easy for us
to share our information there, with our Facebook Friends &/or
Followers & also because Facebook Groups are the way
Design Teams store, share & discuss their "behind-the-scenes"
information with one another.
However, it is fine for you to have just a "fan page" rather
than a personal page. We are ALL expected to SHARE
SATW info regularly on Facebook as well as to blog about
the SATW reveal once a month on our own personal blogs.
4) You need to have or create a Pinterest account to
be able to PIN your project to our group board once a month.
5) You need to create ONE PROJECT PER MONTH, to
be ready by the 25th of the previous month, irrespective of
whether or not you are in the 1st of the month reveal or the
Mid-Month (16th) reveal.
5) You need to SHARE the reveal post in FULL on your blog
once a month, including our prizes & sponsor information (but not
everyone else's projects - just your own) by the 3rd of each month,
including a link back to our reveal post.
{Our mid-month team shares the first reveal post by the 3rd
& then their project on the 16th, 17th or 18th of each month,
on their blog, including a link back to the mid-month reveal}
6) You will be on comment & voting duty every alternate
month & will be required to comment on half the entries
only then send in your top ten votes within 60 hours of
entries closing. So you have one month on then one
month COMPLETELY OFF commenting & judging.
This should take no more than an hour on average
each month (2 hours every 2nd month) absolute max.
7) You need to be prepared to help out with small administrative
tasks each month to split the load of responsibility, as you may be
asked by the admin team to help out in some small way.
This will not amount to more than an hour per month if that.
8) We are looking for Scrapbooking Artists, Mixed Media
Artists & Art Journallers from ALL AROUND THE WORLD
but you need to have a good command of the English
language in order to communicate within our Facebook
group & join in our discussions there. We don't mind at
all if your English is not perfect, we do not judge that :)
9) You need to read the instructions below & apply exactly
as we have asked, by sending NO PHOTOS PLEASE,
- you need to create a hyperlink in your email - to your
blog - so I can look at your creations there. If you have
played at SATW more than once you only need to
link up to ONE post on your blog, in your email.
The time has come for our players to apply!!
If you are interested in joining the Design Team at SATW
here is the information you need...
1) You need to have taken part in one of our challenges,
so if you haven't played yet, now is your chance. Play
along with our current {February} mood board & link up!
2) You need to have your own, current & active blog.
We are looking for people who have an established
online presence, as we need to spread the word about
our new challenge site & our ambassadors help us do that!
{That means you need to blog regularly - at least once a week
on average} & have built up an online audience.
3) You need to be on Facebook {regularly}. This is because
Facebook is a great marketing tool & makes it really easy for us
to share our information there, with our Facebook Friends &/or
Followers & also because Facebook Groups are the way
Design Teams store, share & discuss their "behind-the-scenes"
information with one another.
However, it is fine for you to have just a "fan page" rather
than a personal page. We are ALL expected to SHARE
SATW info regularly on Facebook as well as to blog about
the SATW reveal once a month on our own personal blogs.
4) You need to have or create a Pinterest account to
be able to PIN your project to our group board once a month.
5) You need to create ONE PROJECT PER MONTH, to
be ready by the 25th of the previous month, irrespective of
whether or not you are in the 1st of the month reveal or the
Mid-Month (16th) reveal.
5) You need to SHARE the reveal post in FULL on your blog
once a month, including our prizes & sponsor information (but not
everyone else's projects - just your own) by the 3rd of each month,
including a link back to our reveal post.
{Our mid-month team shares the first reveal post by the 3rd
& then their project on the 16th, 17th or 18th of each month,
on their blog, including a link back to the mid-month reveal}
6) You will be on comment & voting duty every alternate
month & will be required to comment on half the entries
only then send in your top ten votes within 60 hours of
entries closing. So you have one month on then one
month COMPLETELY OFF commenting & judging.
This should take no more than an hour on average
each month (2 hours every 2nd month) absolute max.
7) You need to be prepared to help out with small administrative
tasks each month to split the load of responsibility, as you may be
asked by the admin team to help out in some small way.
This will not amount to more than an hour per month if that.
8) We are looking for Scrapbooking Artists, Mixed Media
Artists & Art Journallers from ALL AROUND THE WORLD
but you need to have a good command of the English
language in order to communicate within our Facebook
group & join in our discussions there. We don't mind at
all if your English is not perfect, we do not judge that :)
9) You need to read the instructions below & apply exactly
as we have asked, by sending NO PHOTOS PLEASE,
- you need to create a hyperlink in your email - to your
blog - so I can look at your creations there. If you have
played at SATW more than once you only need to
link up to ONE post on your blog, in your email.
for your reference. Anything needing clarification? Please
leave your question here & I will answer it as soon as I can.
We are looking for all styles of artistic scrapbooking
from people from every country in the world that have
the time to commit themselves to our requirements.
There is no compensation for challenge blog positions,
however those experienced with them can vouch for the
satisfaction, exposure & experience gained from
being on well-run & well-supported teams like SATW.
Please bear in mind that from our side the selection process
is never easy as there are many factors to take into consideration,
as well as a limited number of places. Only a small amount of
people who apply for a Design Team position can be successful
so please don't take it personally if you don't make the team.
There is always next time or other opportunities that come along!
Thank you so much in advance to those of you who apply!!
I will NOT be sending any confirmation e mails, nor will I be replying
to anyone other than the successful applicants, for no other reason
than a genuine lack of time. I wish there were more hours in the day!
I check my spam folder regularly so there is no way I will miss your
application but if you would like to leave a comment ON THIS POST
to say that you have applied I will get back to you ONLY IF I HAVEN'T
RECEIVED IT so that can give you some peace of mind if you are
concerned about that.
on Facebook HERE to benefit from all we have to offer you :)
1 comment:
I left my DT-application :)
Congrats to all those lucky and talented winners!
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